Taken From: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/
You can use find command or recursdir command to recurse through local or remote directories to command/find files or create tar files.
recursdir command pass a C script to recursively perform operations on files. recursdir is an excellent tool for automatic stuff. It provides C style programming functions and statements such as:
* strncmp()
* exec()
* system()
* strstr()
* strcat()
* printf()
* popen()
* if ( expr ) { take-action }
* if ( expr ) { take-action } else { do-something-else; }
* /* comments */
* Detecting file types and macros
* All of the logical, arithmetic and bitwise C operators are supported. These are ( ) >= <= > < != == && || ! - + * / % & ^ and have the same meanings and precedences as in C. etc.
Install recursdir
recursdir is part of mirrordir package:
$ sudo apt-get install mirrordir
Recursively find file and take action
For example find out all *.bak file and delete them, using find command:
find /path/to/dir -iname "*bak" -exec rm {} \;
Following is a fast and overkill equivalent of find, using recursdir :
recursdir /path/to/dir -C 'exec("/bin/rm","-f",PATH);'
Find and print out all the *.CPP (C++) files on your system, enter (note usage of if and printf() C like syntax):
recursdir /path/to/dir -C 'if (!glob ("*.cpp", FILE)) printf ("%s\n", PATH);'
find /path/to/dir -iname "*.cpp"
Backup a remote ftp site to local tape:
This is my favorite command to mirror remote ftp tree:
recursdir ftp://user-name@ftp.server.
Write complex directory manipulation scripts
You can write complex scripts using recursdir. For example, following will removes all core files from your Linux 32 bit system:
recursdir / -C '
long l;
/* look for /proc */
if (strncmp (PATH, "/proc", 5)) {
if (S_ISREG (stat.st_mode) && !strcmp ("core", FILE)) {
if (strstr (popen ("file " + PATH), "ELF 32-bit LSB core")) {
l = l + stat.st_size;
printf ("removing: %s, cumu. total = %ldkB\n", PATH, l >> 10);
exec ("rm", "-f", PATH);
recursdir offers many more advanced options such as encryption, backups compression and many more, please refer the man page for more information.
"How to recursively go through all local or remote directories"
- How to recursively go through all local or remote directories (view on Google Sidewiki)
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